H/T: Domine, da mihi hanc aquam!.
H/T: Domine, da mihi hanc aquam!.
Does work matter? Yes and for more than purely pragmatic reasons. Take a look:
In honorable work we produce not only products for bodily consumption but virtue, heavenly treasure, for our souls. In our distribution, that is, in the purpose for which we exchange the products or wages of our work, we broaden our interests to include the common good and the kingdom of God, especially hope for those who live in darkness. And in our exchanges themselves we remember that the goal is mutual benefit and service, shunning the immorality of monopolistic, one-sided, and anti-competitive advantage, remembering that the commandment, “You shall not steal” (Exodus 20:15), has broader implications than literal burglary.
Now go read the rest here.
Koinonia has a fan page on Facebook that you can access here. I’ve neglected posting on the fan page because, well, I’ve not been able to figure it out–that is until today (I hope!). Using the IFTTT site, I’ve created a link that automatically updates not only my personal Facebook page but the fan page.
So help a pious priest out and like my blog’s fan page on Facebook!
In Christ,
+Fr Gregory